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About us...
The Inn at Ragged Edge opened in the fall of 2010 after Lew and Fran Martin spent months renovating and updating the historic mansion that sits atop a Pennsylvania hillside known as the Ragged Edge. In March of 2015, the Kipes were handed the keys to the iconic Chambersburg landmark and now they begin their journey to continue the tradition of innkeeping excellence established by the Martins.
Meet the Kipes…
Meet the Kipes…

Ken, the son of missionary parents, born and raised in Southern Africa (Zambia and Zimbabwe) is the one who stays as far away from the cooking as he can; but, if you would like a tour and hear about the history of the house, he's the one to go to. Along with keeping up with the Bed & Breakfast, he works in the fabrication department at Martin's Famous Pastry Shoppe here in Chambersburg. In his free time, you can find Ken remodeling houses and turning them into homes. Ken also enjoys spending time with his wonderful family.
Barb (Varvara is her Russian name) adds more international flavor to our family and she is definitely the one responsible for your delicious meals. She loves experimenting with new recipes (Ken being the guinea pig) as she plans her menus for the Bed & Breakfast. Her amazing works of "counted cross-stitch" art can be seen on display throughout the home. Her wonderful meals and amazing cleaning skills help keep the Inn in tip-top shape.